MVP Proposal: Requests for Clarifications and Feedback

You seem to be encouraging edits to other people’s posts in ways that change their original content, which makes sense considering the ideal of a ‘Wikipedia of the non-notable’ you mentioned in the other thread - meaning, it’s not “their content”. The implications to reputation are easily dismissed because I understand you propose we do away with reputation, too.

Essentially, this would mean that every Q or A post would be what is known as a ‘Community Wiki’ in SE jargon.

And this is where I’m going to have to fundamentally disagree with you. The short explanation being that this proposal doesn’t fit in with what we want to build. (I believe; certainly speaking for myself, this would be true, though.)

Of course, I’ll post another, dedicated answer to the other thread detailing why I don’t believe this can work.¹ Update: done - What are we trying to build? - #45 by Marc.2377

1: Well, maybe it *can* work - it just doesn't replace the need for a proper Q&A engine with the same basic principles that were demonstrated to work for SE.