Proposal: "help" and "curation" phases

It would be great if something like this could work. A month ago I was thinking of building a site that would be just about doing that second phase by taking the (valuable but often difficult and badly organized) questions from SE and turn them in an easier browsable format.

Something that is more like an encyclopedia or manual in format but practical questions and answers in content. Make use of the wild variation and down to earth approach of Q&A, and make use of the clearness and simplicity of manuals and encyclopedia.

Then a person who is searching for a question but does not find a quite right question by using the search function will still be able to possibly find it via browsing.

The [c] tag info that I recently learned about from lundin, is already close to that. A system like that which is more integrated, more uniform and with a wider scope would help a lot to clean up the questions on SE/SO increase the level and visibility of canonical questions or group questions with similar topic.

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