But you can make blog-like posts on SO in the form of self-answered Q&A. You just have to leave personal opinions out, or explicitly mark them as such. And leave out amusing anecdotes etc.
The strength of that, compared to a blog, is that you get automatic peer review. You don’t get away with writing a factually incorrect Q&A on SO without getting a lot of domain gurus banding up against you. In addition you get grammar & spell checks. And other people can chime in and post their answers too.
The problem with Q&A-as-Blog on SO is not personal opinion/anecdotes/subjective/etc. The problem is ageing/discoverability. After the first day-or-week of answering & editing, the post basically disappears. It can be found if you know where to look - but if users really knew where to look, duplicates wouldn’t be a problem.
This should be solved with a working FAQ system per tag, where canonical duplicates can be added and maintained by users. SE’s “frequent” tab has always been broken, since it is based on how many times a post is linked as well as how many times it is used as dupe target. Which doesn’t necessarily reflect actual post quality.
To deal with this, the community behind every major tag implements such a FAQ in their own way. On SO, the C tag has a FAQ with “the good stuff” below tag wiki, the C++ tag has it below a meta tag called C++FAQ etc etc. Places that the average user will not easily find indeed.