Should questions have votes?

This misses two points:

  1. The list above is the minimum mandatory requirements to allow your question to live.
  2. Questions already have a built-in mechanism for reward, which is good answers.

I doubt anyone will ask more questions because they got points for asking previous ones. In fact, that would only encourage “artificial” questions. We want genuine questions where the asker really wants to know the answer.

Answers, on the other hand, have little built-in reward. We do want to and need to incentivize those that wrote good answers to write more good answers.

I know from my own personal experience that rep was totally irrelevant to any of the questions I asked. Mostly, I asked because I wanted to know something. In a few cases I asked questions to be able to provide canonical answers. I always thought it was a bit silly that I got rep for the asking part.

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That never applied to me, and I was by far an answerer over an asker. The criteria I used to decide whether to “enter” a question, in order of importance, were:

  1. Accepted answer? Those are usually a waste of time relative to other questions.
  2. Number of answers. The more answers, the less likely there is much unique I can contribute. Any new contribution will also likely be buried under the pile of existing answers, so a less useful way to spend my time.
  3. Personal interest in the topic, or I have some special knowledge in the area that the average user doesn't.
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Based on the discussion here, I propose that for MVP:

  • Questions can be voted on in both directions (same as answers).
  • Upvote/downvote counts (rather than a score) are shown on the questions list and on the asker’s profile (in the list of questions there).

That’s it for now. The effects of votes on privileges should be addressed by the privileges topic. The effects of votes on any reputation score should be addressed by the reputation topic. We have not yet discussed, and do not need for MVP, any automated curation.