User public profiles in MVP

We appear to have reached consensus here.

The following elements will appear in user profiles:

  • Username: MVP
  • Free-form profile text: MVP
  • Own activity log: MVP
  • Optional associated Stack Exchange account: MVP
  • Avatar: nice-to-have, not MVP

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(Added to MVP list.)


Might be implied by ā€œOwn activity logā€, but suggest including:

  • list of the other topical sites within the Codidact instance that the user participates in.

Iā€™d suggest thatā€™s not MVP, @manassehkatz - a log of what youā€™ve interacted with recently for your own use is; displaying what you do to other users (including your communities) is not necessarily.

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I do not mean a list of what you do to other users/communities. I mean simply a list (clickable) of other sites - i.e., saying that in addition to ā€œWeb Programmingā€, I am also part of ā€œDIYā€ and ā€œElectronicsā€ etc. so that if someone likes (or dislikesā€¦) what I said in one place, they can easily see what else Iā€™ve done.

Does a network profile ā€“ a page from which you can get to your user profiles on all sites ā€“ satisfy your request?

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Almost. That sounds to me like an extra step. I really like the way SE works where if you go to a profile (your own or anyone elseā€™s) you see a list of ā€œCommunitiesā€ with the reputation for each community (I know, we may not have rep per se, but whatever ranking or status code or whatever), and if you click on one of them then you go to the userā€™s profile for that community, which includes community-specific profile details (if any) and top q/a/actions/etc.

More specifically, you see a list of up to five other communities there. If somebody has more communities than that, you have to click through to the network profile to get to them.

Obviously there are limits. Whether we make it 4 or 5 or 10, there will be a limit. And thatā€™s OK. While I havenā€™t done an analysis, anecdotally I find that most users have a handful of ā€œtop sitesā€ and the rest are in the ā€œ< 10% rep compared to the top sitesā€ range. For example, one of the contributors Iā€™m most familiar with from DIY, Harper (now Harper - Reinstate Monica) has:

  • Home Improvement 107k
  • Personal Finance & Money 34.1k
  • Travel 22.2k
  • Aviation 8.9k (thatā€™s already less than 10% of Home Improvement)
  • Worldbuilding 8.5k
    and going to network profile the rep values drop down pretty quickly.

I think there should be the option of several distinct identities from the same account. If not implemented in MVP, at least the option should be considered during the software design, so that it is not unnecessarily hard to add it later.

Distinct identities means that other users (other than site admins) are not able to discover that the two identities are of the same person.

Unfortunately Iā€™m currently unable to find the past discussion of this on Discord.

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I donā€™t think we need to anything special for ā€œdistinct identitiesā€. Anyone who wants to do that can simply create a new username. If the system chokes on ā€œemail address already in useā€ (personally I find email as the backup authentication process/password reset/etc. very useful but thatā€™s a separate discussion), the reality is that anyone who really wants ā€œdistinct identitiesā€ will have (or can easily get) multiple email addresses too. So no coding needed.


I would like some form of system support for distinct identities where the system knows that itā€™s me and doesnā€™t let me do anything bad such as cross-voting or voting twice for the same post, but this is not public.

For example, Iā€™d like to have a professional account and a personal account, but I donā€™t want to reveal where I work on my personal account. And a Workplace account which I donā€™t want my employer to know about.

I want this both for myself and for others. For myself, because thereā€™s no way I can manage multiple accounts ā€” Iā€™ve tried to vote on my own posts before (both up and down). I donā€™t look at the author name before voting. And for others because it would simplify moderation. If you have multiple accounts, either they need to be associated or every one of them but one may not vote, period.

Thatā€™s absolutely not an MVP requirement.


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