Joel had some regrettable ideas and this would be one of them IMO.
Again, I can’t help but be reminded of Stack Overflow Documentation. The awesome idea that endured months of poor quality contributions and still couldn’t manage to get rid of that culture after a few iterations - and ended up failing catastrophically. Not saying we can’t do better, but hey, we can also do better on top of something that was already better to begin with.
- The asker is the one contributing the question though, and supposedly has a genuine problem at hand and we should consider helping both OP and future readers.
- The recent changes were made for the sake of advertising traffic only. Terrible move. It was fine as it was before.
Yep, this is an extreme position. I hope we can aim for some middle ground!
Extremely good point!
Maybe not, but why differ for no good reason? For the sake of keeping things simple - and intuitive, I advise we display scores on both questions and answers likewise.
That isn’t a realist scenario at all… this simply does not happen as described.
Like we already do on Stack Overflow (and many other SE sites)? :)
SURE! (it works, is all I’ve been saying).
(end pt. 2)