What are we trying to build?

Yes, yes, and “vastly” is too small a word.

Incidentally I was recently surprised to find that on https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/ if you start to create a new topic with the critique tag then displays adds site-specific usage guidelines for that tag where one couldn’t help but see it. I didn’t know the software could do that.


That (little) text is probably edited by a CM after a community reaches consensus.

I’d like them to be comparable to a Meta post – including comments or “answers” where people have a chance to critique a draft.

One way it’s not like an Announcement or a FAQ topic is that the title is very short and unique, and (ok, two ways: there are two ways in which it’s different) it also has some unformatted plain text description (as well as optional rich/markdown) text because of the way the tag usage popup works when you select or hover over a potential tag when you’re wondering whch one to use when you’re editing a new post).

Something else which SE doesn’t do is support tag hierarchies – except possibly by using hyphens like C++-design versus C++-debugging – see also Tags rather than sub-sites.

Perhaps the Wiki (i.e. free-form rich text) can be used to link to related tags and to describe the relation, thus all the hierarchy anyone might want. Viewing a summary of the tag the software might display those (linked) tags as “Related” a bit like it (SE not Discourse) displays related/linked topics.

Designing important new functionality might be “not for the MVP” perhaps though, I don’t know.