What are we trying to build?

We’re all here because we’re dissatisfied with Stack Exchange. But are we all dissatisfied about the same things?

Excellent question. Reflection on this is important for the other excellent question @gilles raised about why other extant QA software won’t do; and when formulating an MVP.

Objections to SE/SO/etc could fall into several buckets, such as (with examples, not necessarily my views):

  • governance - “I don’t like those in charge, and what they’re doing”
  • social - “I don’t like prevailing social norms w.r.t. to new users / poor questions / etc”
  • procedural - “I don’t like how one moderator can decide on things / I don’t like the process for complaints being handled”
  • mechanical - “I think questions should get multiple chances at the reopen queue / I think anonymous votes should have some weight or give/take rep”
  • technical - “I think the API should be more open to make automated tasks (eg spam hunting) easier / I think the stack software should be open source so we can run our own $TOPIC community”

Many of these are interlinked or overlapping; and some we will want to modify more than others.