What are we trying to build?

Do you have some specific ideas?

Grouping related Qs on a topic together in a closer coupling than tags give is something to consider, down the line. Of course SE does this automatically for intra-site links in Q and A bodies (and comments (?)).

In my view there is a potential scope for those who want to help curate (edit, link, group, generally refine and increase quality) and may be something we want to think about early on.

There is an obvious advantage to having a culture that promotes improving quality, in that quality brings people, references, participation.

As you rightly point out, the former is useful for newcomers. An elitist mindset discourages a lot of people; though I am mindful that those from a high-traffic site (like SO) will have a different perspective on average post quality than those with less traffic (everywhere else ;-P).

For my money, it’s fine to aim to strive for high-quality. But there are a lot more learners than there are experts; we should welcome useful content from anyone.