Should there be a chat system like the one on SE?
For what purposes should it be used?
How should a user be able to invite other users into a chat room?
What uses does chat have which aren’t solved by threaded comments?
Should you be able to quote-link chat messages in main site’s posts and comments?
Should chat messages have up/downvotes and reactions like stars and emojis or custom icons?
How should moderation of chat work?
How should reading old messages work (chat transcript) and what actions should be available from that view?
What types of chat rooms should exist? Like normal, fully public (users with 1 rep but given writing permission can post), restricted access, private, other?
Should chat be linear with replies (like it is now) or threaded?
Should discussions be moved to chat? (I don’t think this would work anymore if we’re going to have threaded comments, and chat is going to be incompatible with that hierarchy, and besides archived comments should have their own space, IMO)
(please break this topic apart when necessary, like probably in case of chat moderation)