I have an SO Clone IN ASP CORE. How do we feel about building on that?

Nice work! Thanks for bringing it up.

My thoughts on the other thread also apply here:

I agree . From a non-technical point of view, something that gets us up and running quicker is a major definitely short-term positive.

The biggest advantage of doing so short term is that it lets us discover pitfalls, drawbacks and mistakes as we go with little risk of them getting ‘baked in’ . This is a very useful thing. We can experiment, test and refine with real world data and make the final C# product better from that; while we can do this as we go with C#, there’s less of an expectation of that sort of radical change.

I can’t comment on the architecture/technical side of things of yours vs qpixel. Maybe you and Art can compare each other’s work?

If a community came to us tomorrow and said “we want an exodus, do you have somewhere we can go?”, it would be golden to be able to say “yes, there’s qpixel/answers; use that for now while we continue to refine and build”.

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