We have a channel called “skillset” in the Discord chat, where users can introduce themselves. Should we add one here too/replace it with one on this forum?
It would be possible to direct specifically new users to this thread and it is also possible to import some of the chat messages.
I think it would help community building. What’s your opinion?
Is there really a need to shift the skillset channel here? I don’t think there’s a need to do so. People don’t have to judge to continue conversations here and if that’s not the case, how would it help in community building?
For the time being I think I still prefer to have the skillset thread on Discord and not here. This is not a strong preference though, and as such, if it’s decided it should be moved here that would be fine by me.
Why: It appears we’re still coordinating talk between contributors in Discord and that’s been going well IMO, so, the way I see it, there’s no pressing reason to change that now.
For what it’s worth, I’d very much like to have an introductions thread here. I’ve got a day job (that is also often a morning, evening, and night job) and much prefer asynchronous communication for things which aren’t urgent. Much easier to pop in and out without the expectation of an immediately-continuing conversation.