Continuing the discussion from MVP Proposal: User interaction moderation:
We need some users who have elevated privileges (“moderators”), such as user interaction moderation and access to PII. As our site is community-run, we need a way to appoint/elect moderators that have earned the trust of their communities.
This process should not be depending on us (the core team) too much, as we (as volunteers) don’t have that much time and as it should be possible for a site to overrule our decisions in most cases (read: always, unless some legal issue prevents it) or appoint moderators without our (inter-)action.
This is MVP, because we’ll need to appoint/elect community moderators soon after the launch of a new community.
Solution (suggested)
We develop a mod-application page. On this page, any user with enough experience and possibly some other preconditions (such as: no recent suspension) can apply at any time to be a moderator.
Other users can endorse (approve) or oppose (reject) any candidate. This may be an experience-based privilege (lower experience level needed than for applying, however) to prevent vote abuse. It is also possible to comment on the application.
The application needs to fulfill a quorum of support in a given time (for example one month). A suggested example is:
- minimum of 50 people voting, and
- minimum of 60% support
If this quorum is reached after the given time, the applicant is automatically given moderator status. Otherwise the application is rejected. Failed applications should include some kind of rate-limit, so that you can only apply once every half year, or so.
What do you think? Is this issue MVP? Should there be a different process in MVP? Should there be a totally different process?