Dark mode / site theme

Dark mode / css theme should be a built-in feature available to anyone even without logging in, as a toggler somewhere visible. If possible, add an option to automatically get the OS setting, like https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme


Beyond MVP, yes. Not something we have to do for MVP, though


… or should it?

Perhaps if at some point one of our users write a nice userstyle which we can easily incorporate, that’d be great.

In the meantime… Well, we got a lot on our plate to be working on for a good while.


If we follow good practices in developing site theming, it should be possible to expand to other themes later by swapping in CSS, right? Does this boil down to “don’t hardcode stuff like colors and sizes”?

I agree that getting the site up with even one theme is going to be enough work that we shouldn’t try to provide more options in the MVP. If we don’t do anything that will preclude that in the future, I think that’s good enough.


Yes indeed, possible and even trivial.

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User styles are just hacks and remember how many users wanted a dark theme that’s native to SO? https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/274388/why-is-there-no-dark-theme-on-so we’ll sure build a Dark mode and it’s a good thing to implement too. People would love it.

That is more important than what I stated above, the dark theme is not an issue but at least we have to build a foundation first. We should, of course, focus on building a foundation first

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Yep. Additionally, note that our platform is open source. Anyone willing to be so kind as to make a userscript userstyle, can simply go one step further and implement a native dark mode themselves, and submit a pull request :wink:

Or… you know, we’re a large and heterogeneous team. If one of the core contributors decides to work in a dark theme feature by themselves, I don’t think anyone will go as far as to forbid it. We’d just prefer this person to consider not doing it at the expense of taking a longer time to launch. :slight_smile:


I’d love to do a dark theme. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a light theme yet.

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On a side note, there is this great browser extension for people who want dark-mode everywhere they browse (such as myself), called Dark Reader.

Of course, this doesn’t always work perfectly and it would be better to have something built into our software for this so people don’t have to rely on a 3rd party, but in the meantime this is a good stop-gap.

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